• Fantasy workshop
    It was such a delight to see so many talented young writers hard at work composing stories in worlds of their own creation, all spiced with magic. There were characters with special powers, mythical creatures, an enchanted amulet, talking animals, and ultra challenging QUESTS with good going all out to combat evil. The 2-day workshop was held by the Kapiti Writers' Group Charitable Trust who will publish the stories in a collection later in the year.
    Posted: Friday 19 July 2024
  • Successful Self-publishing.
    We had an attentive audience on Sunday as our panel of local authors shared their experiences of publishing their work. Hosted by Kapiti Writers' Group, the panel covered the pros and cons of self-publishing, the steps necessary to progress from manuscript to print format, and how to market the finished book and get it into the hands of readers. There were lots of questions!
    Posted: Tuesday 18 June 2024
  • The Children's Bookshop
    The Children's Bookshop in Wellington was the first bookseller to take my first Lucy book, Lucy Bee & the Secret Gene when John and Ruth McIntyre owned this wonderful children's bookstore. And I am still getting reorders for it. The new owner Susan Hooper was also the first bookstore to take the last book in the Lucy series, Lucy Bee & Soline. What would we authors do without these committed booksellers and librarians who continue to put our books into the hands of young readers? A big thank you to our booksellers and librarians.
    Posted: Friday 29 March 2024
  • Books for Kids
    Just had a lovely visit to Books for Kids in Hamilton. What a joyful bookstore! It's packed with an enormous variety of good books for young readers, from toddlers to teens. And owner, ex-librarian, Megan Lindsay's enthusiasm for the importance of books means that her bookstore is a real community hub for readers of all ages - as it should be.
    Posted: Sunday 10 March 2024
  • SLANZA recommends Lucy Bee & Soline as a supporting resource for the NZ history curriculum.
    So pleased to have reviewer Lauryn Urquhart of the School Library Association of NZ endorse Lucy Bee & Soline. "Written in dual points of view, it is interesting to read both Lucy and Soline's perspectives as they both explore what turangawaewae and heritage mean to them both in New Zealand and in France. This book would be a good supporting resource for the New Zealand history curriculum."
    Posted: Thursday 14 December 2023
  • Entertaining evening at the wonderful Unity books
    Great to be included in the Book Showcase organised by NZSA Wellington
    Branch this week. Enjoyed the opportunity to talk about Lucy Bee & Soline, and it was exciting to listen to the other Wellington writers talk and read from their work. Thank you Wellington Branch and Unity for an entertaining evening.
    Posted: Monday 23 October 2023
  • NZSA Wellington Writers Book Showcase Event
    If you're in Wellington on Wednesday, 18 October, at 6pm, please join us. Fifteen Wellington authors will introduce their newly published books: a wonderful smorgasbord of fiction, adult and young adult, non-fiction and poetry.
    Posted: Thursday 12 October 2023
  • Would you like to read the first chapter of Lucy Bee & the Secret Gene? To see how, click on the blog title.
    Posted: Friday 8 September 2023
  • I really enjoyed reviewing this YA novel for Kete, the wonderful Aotearoa online website that reviews NZ books and provides information about new titles each week. Here Upon the Tide by Blair McMillan is an exciting read about two likeable teens who with courage and compassion help each other through the huge challenges life has thrown at them. Amir escapes from war-torn Syria, eventually landing off the Canterbury Coast where he hopes he'll find a safe refuge. Milly has lost her mother and her home in the Canterbury earthquakes, is the subject of bullying and feels isolated. Readers will enjoy the descriptions of her paddleboarding exploits.
    Posted: Thursday 31 August 2023
  • Had a great weekend at the Featherston Book Festival where hundreds and hundreds of booklovers gathered to listen to authors and check out the huge selection of books offered by publishers, booksellers and authors. Happily, the reprint of Lucy Bee & Soline arrived just in time.
    Posted: Sunday 21 May 2023
  • Lucy Bee & Soline is reprinting. Copies will be available shortly. Thank you to all those readers, booksellers, librarians, schools, parents and grandparents of readers who have ordered copies. It's wonderful to know Lucy Bee is having such a wide readership.
    Posted: Thursday 11 May 2023
  • What a great initiative by Kate Gordon. Her Kiwi Kids Bookstore is an online store loaded with books for young readers - from littlies to teens, and all by NZ authors. I can see how it will be such a boon for those not living close to bricks and mortar book shops, as well as for those with little time to go shopping. You can find it at
    Posted: Wednesday 5 April 2023
  • So good to have Vanessa's review. It conveys so well what I was trying to portray in the novel. Thank you, Vanessa.
    Posted: Monday 6 February 2023
  • A big shout out to the booksellers who've been ordering my books. Authors need booksellers every bit as much as readers do. Booksellers complete the circle. They make it all work by getting the books into the hands of readers.
    Posted: Thursday 19 January 2023
  • Local destination bookstore
    Lovely to see the first two Lucy titles, Lucy Bee & the Secret Gene and Bonjour Lucy Bee on display among other wonderful titles at Books & Co in Otaki. Soon to be joined by Lucy Bee & Soline, the last in the trilogy! This beautiful little bookshop is jam packed with great books. No wonder it's a favourite destination for locals.
    Posted: Monday 21 November 2022
    Such a wonderful launch last night for Lucy Bee & Soline. Heartfelt thanks to the over 40 friends, fellow writers and booklovers who came along to help celebrate the new Lucy. Grateful thanks to Anna Kenna for launching the book, Vivienne Bailey for MCing, and special thanks to Paper Plus for being our bookseller - it was great to have Angela and Brioni there at hand to sell Lucy's new adventure.
    Posted: Wednesday 16 November 2022
  • Lucy Bee & Soline
    Very excited to say that Lucy Bee & Soline, the third in the Lucy Bee series is soon to be released. I couldn't be more delighted with Vida Kelly's wonderful cover illustration. She's created a tapestry incorporating both cultures in the story - New Zealand and French.
    Posted: Monday 17 October 2022
  • Bonjour Lucy Bee now in Ebook format
    I'm so pleased that Bonjour Lucy Bee is now in Ebook format and so will be more freely available. You can go to for Kindle, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Angus & Robertson, etc. Also from my publisher OneTree House at
    Posted: Monday 9 August 2021
  • Celebrating our illustrators
    I'm full of admiration for our children's book illustrators. It's a wonderful kind of magic how they can conjure up an image - images, and then get them down on paper. Illustrations in picture books are not just decorative. They tell stories just as words do, helping to bring to life the written texts they accompany. They flesh out the characters, the settings, the actions, and the feelings the story evokes. In other words, they illustrate between the lines. To celebrate our local children'
    Posted: Monday 9 August 2021
  • Calling all authors
    The New Zealand Society of Authors has a new look, and after 85 years is more helpful to budding and experienced writers than ever. I've been a member for well over 10 years (with a short break while I was living overseas) and have benefited from the society's advice and support in many ways. If you are serious about writing, I highly recommend a visit to their website to see all the advantages membership offers
    Posted: Friday 22 January 2021
  • Earthquakes, undersea adventures & more
    Earthquakes, undersea adventures, fairy stories, a spaceship emergency, a kidnapping, and so much more. Twelve exciting tales from 12 young writers who came along to the writing workshop with their own idea for a story. We built on their ideas giving their story a structure. Then, their imagination took over. Swoosh! Such a joy to see their enthusiasm and commitment. They just wanted to keep on writing and writing.... Then, as all good writers do, they sent their story out into the worl
    Posted: Tuesday 20 October 2020
  • Bonjour Lucy Bee reading on Youtube
    The New Zealand Society of Authors have launched their 'NZ Writers Read', initiative, dedicated playlists on their Youtube channel of NZ authors reading from their work. If you go to you can listen to me reading a chapter from Bonjour Lucy Bee.
    Posted: Monday 13 April 2020
  • Lockdown Activities
    The first chapter of Bonjour Lucy Bee is free to download from Free activity sheets to encourage young writers are also available from the same website. While we are all at home One Tree House will be providing resources to educate, entertain and amuse young readers and writers. Check them out!
    Posted: Thursday 9 April 2020
  • Wonderful Michael Morpurgo interview with Jim Mora on National Radio just after 11am today, Sunday 5 April. If you missed it, do try to log in to listen to it. So sane and inspiring.
    Posted: Sunday 5 April 2020

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