• Free Teachers' Notes
    With families, stuck at home, parents and caregivers are looking for activities to entertain and educate! To help with this, my publisher OneTree House has put up teachers notes for many of their books as well as first chapters of some of their books in pdf form. Free teachers notes of Bonjour Lucy Bee are available at
    Posted: Wednesday 1 April 2020
  • Budding young writers wanting some inspiration during the lockdown? I've just put some fun writing activities on my website to keep you writing.
    Posted: Tuesday 31 March 2020
  • So disappointing to have to cancel the writing workshop today. Was looking forward to meeting 12 keen young writers aged 9-13 from a number of local schools in Kapiti. But everyone understood it was the wisest move. And keen young writers will write anywhere. Hope to reconvene the workshop when it is safe to do so.
    Posted: Sunday 22 March 2020
  • Turning an idea into a story
    I'm taking a writing workshop for children in March. Please see poster below for details.
    Posted: Tuesday 18 February 2020
  • Kapiti Children's Writers celebrate
    Kapiti Children's Writers celebrated our writing year in a fun evening last night at a gathering at the Kapiti Library for our Christmas party. As part of the celebrations, members shared their writing successes, whether it was having a new book (or books) published, or getting a short story in a new publication or placed in a competition, or the satisfaction of starting or finishing a piece of work. Lots to celebrate! Including Mandy Hager's election as President of the New Zealand Society o
    Posted: Thursday 14 November 2019
  • Focusing on social media
    It's always a pleasure to go along to the monthly Focus Group meetings where we discuss a particular skill or aspect of writing. This time it wasn't characterisation or structure or pace, but something else we all need to know how to navigate - social media, a necessity for writers these days. The youngest members among us were the most clued up, of course, and brought us all up to speed on what we needed to know, extending our vocabulary with new definitions given to established words: tags
    Posted: Tuesday 8 October 2019
  • Kidsbooksnz.blogspot have given Bonjour Lucy Bee a lovely review. "Fancy a quick trip to France?" they say. "All you need is a cuppa, a comfy place to read and this great book from Anne Ingram. Allons-y." After giving a synopsis, they comment that "The French phrases add a light handed authenticity, which coupled with the descriptive scene setting has you feeling like you are right there with Lucy. The plight of the refugees is handled well; there is no heavy lecturing, instead we are shown
    Posted: Friday 30 August 2019
  • Magpies Review
    Review of Bonjour Lucy Bee in the July Magpies Magazine, very heartening. Reviewer, Melissa Spark says that "There is nothing overly political in this book; only the truth about human relationships, identity and empathy." She describes the book as "gently tackling the topic of prejudice, tolerance and the current refugee crisis, encouraging the reader to employ sensitivity for people who are displaced." And goes on to say, "The easy way this is written genuinely asks the year 6 reader or inte
    Posted: Monday 12 August 2019
  • Kapiti Children's Writers hosted Philippa Werry
    Such an enjoyable afternoon on Sunday when Philippa Werry came to talk to local writers about "The Telegram', her WW1 book for young readers which has been shortlisted for the Children's Book Awards. Philippa loves New Zealand history and has written a number of appealing titles that open up our past to young New Zealanders.
    Posted: Wednesday 31 July 2019
  • The skinny on Children's Book Publishing
    The Children's Bookshop in Kilbirnie was host yesterday to a one day workshop on writing and publishing for children. Organised by the Wellington Children's Book Association, six local writers and illustrators, each with a different area of expertise, gave the captive audience of 30 their top tips. Craft, collaborative writing, graphic novels, online marketing, book award judging and presenting at an overseas festival were all covered. And Ruth, owner of the Children's Bookshop gave us her info
    Posted: Monday 22 July 2019
  • Friends of the Kapiti Libraries
    We're so lucky to have a very active Friends of the Libraries group in Kapiti. They not only have interesting speakers - authors, playwrights and poets usually, but last week we had editor Jane Parkin speaking. Our Kapiti Children's Writers were asked to speak recently too, and five of us talked about our work and later, sold copies of our books.
    Posted: Monday 15 July 2019
  • Booklovers review
    A thoughtful and considered review for Bonjour Lucy Bee, this one by Rebekah Fraser on the NZBooklovers site. To view, please see
    Posted: Friday 21 June 2019
  • Bonjour Lucy Bee sample chapter available
    Sapling, the brilliant online review site for children's books has a sample chapter of Bonjour Lucy Bee for you to read. It's where Lucy is introduced to the local French village and chateau, and where the first incident in the story occurs. Go to
    Posted: Tuesday 18 June 2019
  • My calligraphy friends have been busy
    How lovely of my calligraphy friends to make me cards for Bonjour Lucy Bee.
    Posted: Monday 17 June 2019
  • Bonjour Lucy Bee Review on Good Reads
    Such a generous review by Ann David on Good Reads.
    Posted: Tuesday 4 June 2019
  • On a wet and windy night
    Despite the weather bomb hitting Wellington last night, some dear friends and dedicated Francophiles braved the wind and the wet to come to Alliance Francaise to listen to me talk about how I came to write Bonjour Lucy Bee. We were given a warm welcome by the wonderful director, Nathalie Buckrell, and by Violette Duquesne who had organised a delicious buffet table of French cheeses, charcuterie, bread and French wine. What a lovely place to be! I almost felt I was back in France.
    Posted: Thursday 30 May 2019
  • Alliance Francaise
    I'd love you to come to Alliance Francaise Wellington this Thursday evening, 30 May, at 6pm where I'll be talking about how I came to write Bonjour Lucy Bee. I'll be giving a reading, answering questions and signing books. Please come and join us and enjoy some French nibbles and drinks.
    Posted: Monday 27 May 2019
    Wonderful launch last night. Felt so honoured to have over 60 friends and booklovers there to help send Bonjour Lucy Bee out into the wide world. Thanks to the lovely Adrienne Bushell for launching the book and Anthony Dreaver for being a great MC. And special thanks to all who made it such a special evening.
    Posted: Friday 24 May 2019
  • Have just received my first review for Bonjour Lucy Bee from 9 year old Linus at Gladstone School. "Wonderful, amazing, one of the best books I've ever read." Thank you, Linus!
    Posted: Tuesday 21 May 2019
  • Just what is going on in this little French village?
    My publishers, OneTree House, sent me today my first advance copy of Bonjour Lucy Bee. It looks great! I'm so pleased with the cover and the nice paper. Just to be able to hold in your hand the book you've loved and laboured over gives you a feeling of immense satisfaction and pleasure. Then, it's time to think of the launch and getting the book out to its readers.
    Posted: Monday 29 April 2019
  • ANNE INGRAM For our refugees
    As New Zealanders were all devastated by the news of terrorist attacks in Christchurch on our people in our place! So many of our communities nationwide have rallied in support of those who have lost family and friends in this terrible tragedy. Flowers, food, love and counselling, fund-raising, rallies against religious and racial intolerance, ecumenical services, concerts, and more. Our calligraphy club also wanted to show our support. Individually, we may have donated money, but we also wa
    Posted: Wednesday 3 April 2019
  • Author's Conference
    I've just had a wonderful weekend in Auckland at the New Zealand Society of Authors' Forum. Two and a half days of masterclasses, workshops and presentations by some of our best NZ writers. Also talks by video-link from the UK - Joanne Harris and from Australia - Morris Gleitzman. The highlight for me was one of the national treasures of Australia - John Marsden (pictured). I was fortunate enough to go to three sessions where I soaked up writerly wisdom from this icon of children's writing.
    Posted: Tuesday 25 September 2018
  • OneTree House, winner of the 2018 Children's Publisher of the Year (Oceania section) at the Bologna Book Fair, is to publish Bonjour Lucy Bee! Obviously I couldn't be more pleased. OneTree House won this year's award for their creative and publishing excellence, and for their originality, professional and intellectual skills. The award is also designed to foster a mutual exchange of knowledge and ideas among different nations and areas of the world. It seems that Bonjour Lucy Bee may fit int
    Posted: Friday 27 July 2018
  • It's been a long time coming, but the second in the Lucy Bee series is finally finished! This time, Lucy travels to France for a family reunion. Never in her wildest dreams did she expect to become responsible for a young refugee or, as her cousin Celeste would call him, 'an illegal immigrant'. But this is what happens, and it's just the first of her many challenges... Now that the writing is done, the editing, the checking of facts, and the proofreading, there just remains the big one - publ
    Posted: Tuesday 29 August 2017

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